12 Days of UPLEVEL


12 Days of UPLEVEL Blog


 Last year, I created a list of 12 things you could do to UPLEVEL in 2019. In case you missed, here is a recap! I’d love for you to refer back to it as frequently as you need.

 Enjoy & be sure to share it with a friend!


Day 1: Joy

Comparison is the thief of it! When you are so caught up in what others may have vs the blessings right before you, it can be a complete distraction. Don't get distracted. How do you focus on your blessings? What brings you Joy?

Day 2: Peace

“The Lord gives strength to His people; The Lord blesses His people with Peace.” Psalm 29:11NLT

Peace is defined as a state of tranquility, freedom from disturbance. I have been very intentional since becoming a mommy about my state of Peace. I have been free from disturbances internal and external. One day while driving, I went into a spontaneous prayer of praise and gratitude. I didn’t take for granted that I was at peace. This peace comes from God. God revealed strategies for me to implement so I could experience peace no matter what was going on around. This did not have overnight it took years. Today, I understand Peace is the best gift one can have! The many years of praying and decreeing the Serenity Prayer is being manifested “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. Courage to change the things I can. And wisdom to know the difference.” What does Peace look like for you? What prayer do you need to pray around Peace?  

Day 3: Rest

Rest is very important and often overlooked or downplayed. It’s so important that God said He Rested on the 7th day after 6 days of working. He told Moses to make it one of the commandments which was remembering to keep the Sabbath. The Sabbath for Christians is defined as a time of worshipping God and resting. Jesus also gave examples of how He rested. Hebrews 4 talks about the opportunity to enter into the Rest of God and how the Children of Israel had the opportunity to enter into His Rest, but missed it. God promised Rest for His people. Don’t miss the opportunity to enter into God’s rest. In order to Thrive, you must Rest!

How do you define Rest? How do you Rest? What scripture will you mediate on as you Rest?

Day 4: Faith

Faith is defined as complete trust or confidence in God. There is absolutely no way to UPLEVEL without Faith. As UPLEVEL Leaders, God tells us to do things that we have never seen done and have no clue how to do. UPLEVEL Faith is the 1st area that I speak to leaders about ALL the time. It doesn’t really matter if you UPLEVEL in any other area if your Faith isn’t UPLEVELed then…

This is like exercising physically, you have to keep at it’s a muscle it has to be used continuously in order for it work properly. Exercise your Faith even if you can’t see, taste, feel or smell. If you don’t have the Gift of Faith I say ask God for it.

This is not cliché. These are strategies that continuously work for me and other UPLEVEL Leaders I admire.

Strategies to UPLEVEL your faith: 1. It’s simple, don’t make it complex. 2. Trust God regardless not Trust God if 3. Read stories in the Bible about Faith examples (Jairus, Woman with Issue of blood, Hannah, Abraham, Noah, Nehemiah) 4. Find Scripture on Faith, pray that scripture, meditate on that scripture. 5. Encourage someone whose faith is low OR if your Faith is low reach out to someone who has great Faith.

 Day 5: Self-Control

It's easy to lose self-control sometimes but it's important to also maintain balance. One of my favorite quotes growing up courtesy of my daddy: "Take due notice and govern yourself accordingly." Gentle reminder! Enjoy life but make a choice to not get overwhelmed by it.

How do you maintain self-control?

Day 6: Family

Love, love, love my family and friends! I have the most fun and create memories filled with laughter because I get to spend quality time with my peeps. We play games, crack jokes, eat and reminisce.

One day my goddaughter and I were hanging out at a movie. When my husband asked her how was the movie, she mentioned I was on my phone. I didn’t think it affected her because we were at the movies, but me not being present during our time together affected her. You can be present and still not be present. Limit social media and work when with your loved ones. I invite you to be fully present and unmasked when you are sharing with loved ones.

How can you spend the next week preparing accordingly and resting to ensure you are enjoying your family with fullness?

Day 7: Give & Receive

“The gift you have received, give as a gift” is my life’s motto. Almost everything I do is rooted in this quote. I invite you to think about non-monetary ways to give that brings you joy. I completed a special project for the little people I love that spoke into their future.

Ideas that cover each of the 5 Love Languages

·      Volunteer with a cause near to your heart (serve)

·      Create a care bag & give it to a homeless person (gifts)

·      Write a special note to someone who needs encouragement or who is special to you (words of affirmation)

·      Visit someone grieving (quality time)

·      See someone i.e. waiter, cashier, etc having a rough moment, ask if you can give them a hug (physical touch)

UPLEVEL Leaders are natural givers, but receiving may be a challenge. You don’t have to overthink it. Just say thank you when you receive anything even a compliment. You don’t have to think of ways to give to them in return. Receiving is a form of being poured into which is important to UPLEVEL.

Day 8: Kindness

You ever have someone be unkind to you or you were not kind to someone? Let’s be honest. Not everyone is Kind all the time. When people are unkind, it’s possible that they are dealing with hardships you cannot see. Let’s all spread a little grace. 

A gentle reminder to be Kind to others, but mostly be Kind to you. Give yourself the needed grace to do your very best today and every day. If you fall short, God will continue to see you through.

“Since God chose you to be the holy people He love, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.” Colossians 3:12 NLT

Day 9: Gentleness

Holidays always reminds me to be gentle to others. I often miss my those I love who are no longer here during the holidays. There are also lot of people who are missing loved ones. We have to nurture all of the relationships around us. We also need to be observant of those around us because we never know what someone is facing.

 Ephesians 4: 2-3: “Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love. Make every effort to keep yourselves united in the Spirit, bind yourselves together with peace.”

Mutual kindness is the perfect peace!

Day 10: Patience

Patience can be connected to just about everything we are and everything we do. Your abundance of patience or lack thereof says a lot about your character and trust in God. It’s directly linked to your peace, joy, faith, gentleness and self-control.

Don’t forget patience starts with being patient with you. When your family is on vacation from work and school, have patience with them also. Don’t be so quick to get frustrated. Take a breath and find a more productive and patient way to respond. Remember kids learn and mimic what they see not what they are told.

“The Lord is good to everyone who trusts in Him, so it is best for us to wait in patience – to wait for Him to save us – And it is best to learn this patience in our youth.” Lamentations 3:25-27 GNB

Day 10: Celebrate

Sometimes we are so goal and results oriented that we do not celebrate progress. You may not have seen the ripened fruit yet. However, I invite you to celebrate the seed is no longer underground and you can see some progress.

 Everything does not have to be about checking things off your to-do list or accomplishing the goal and on to the next. Have some fun, lighten up!

 What have you accomplished this year that you need to celebrate even if it was just a little progress? Make a list of things you like to do for fun and do something fun at least one a month.

 Day 11:  Self-Care

The importance of Self-Care is a popular yet sometimes neglected area among UPLEVEL Leaders. I define Self-Care as caring for one’s self mind, emotions, spirit, finances and body. It’s being intentional about moving from healing to wholeness in each of those areas. Self-care is a lifestyle not a thing you do occasionally. It rejuvenates, revives, refresh and renews YOU! Self-Care can include not missing your doctor’s appointments, going to counseling, renewing your mind with the Word of God and taking a nap.

 Self-Care is setting boundaries…letting your “No” mean “No” without shame, guilt or condemnation. As you create and reassess a vision and goals, be sure a self-care plan is incorporated!

 Colossians 3:17: “Let every detail in your lives – words, actions, whatever – be done in the name of the Master, Jesus, thanking God the Father every step of the way.”

 What do you do for self-care?

 Day 12: Love

We have supplied you with the UPLEVEL “toolbox.” We hope these topics help you complete some things strong and provide you with a strong foundation for other areas.

 Love is action.

 Be trilingual today. Speak the love language of God, you and someone else.

 ·      Love God – “Why do you keep calling me Lord, Lord! When you don’t do what I say?” Luke 6:46 NLT Obeying God is loving God.

·      Love Yourself – Sometimes we don’t show ourselves love. Loving others, but not yourself is not biblical. Self-love is important which encompass self-care. Look in the mirror, say your name, I love you. You may laugh or you may cry whatever the emotion, release it. Show yourself love every day.

·      Love Others – “Let everything you do be done in love (motivated and inspired by God’s love for us).” 1 Corinthians 16:14 AMP Everything you do today do it in love. Show God’s love to a stranger or someone that you do not like today.

 Now that you have the 12-Day plan to UPLEVEL, we hope you’ll use this guide to inspire you at any point during the year. Perhaps you can start each quarter with the #UPLEVELChallenge. Continue to ask God to order your steps ahead. UPLEVEL Leaders is here to help you along the way.

 All the Best,

Zakiya Moton

UPLEVEL Strategist