Future-Focused Prayers: A Mom's Guide to Shaping Kids' Destinies

As a mother, we're entrusted with the sacred responsibility of not only nurturing our children physically, but also spiritually. And this responsibility becomes even more significant when you believe in Jesus and his teachings. In this blog post, we explore the importance of incorporating prayer into your parenting routine and how it can significantly impact your child's life. It also provides practical tips for nurturing your child's faith.

Praying for the Unseen

Believing for Your Child's Future

It's easy to pray for what's right in front of us - health, safety, good grades at school - but what about those things that are yet unseen?  For example, praying for their future spouse or their purity as they enter adolescence is something many parents overlook.  As believers in Christ, we know that nothing is impossible with God (Luke 1:37). So why not start believing for these things now and other aspects of their future even if it  may seem far off or impossible.

Declaring God's PromiseS

Start by jotting down one thing per week you're believing God for and declare it before bed each night. Speak life and truth over your child's future, knowing that God is faithful to fulfill His promises (Numbers 23:19).

Protection through Prayer

Praying Against Harm

We all want to protect our children from harm (physical, emotional, spiritual, mental, financial), but unfortunately, we can't be with them every moment of every day. This is where prayer comes in handy! By praying against abuse (even being an abuser), bullying (including not being the bully), suicide, homicide, depression, anxiety, porn, premarital sex, substance use, and negative influences, you're putting up a spiritual shield around your child (Ephesians 6:16).

Trusting in God's Power

Trust in God's power to protect your child even when you can't be with them (Psalm 91). Remember that God is always watching over your child and that He has a plan for their life (Jeremiah 29:11).

Praying for Identity Rooted in Christ and Against Confusion

In today's society, issues regarding sexuality and gender identity are rampant among young people. It's crucial for Christian mothers to pray against any confusion confusion that might lead your child astray from their true identity as a beloved son or daughter of God. It’s also important to pray for your children's understanding and acceptance of their God-given identity. Our children's true identity is found in Christ alone.

Affirming Your Child's Identity in Christ

Pray that your child will grow in the knowledge and understanding of their identity in Christ. Ask God to help them see themselves as He sees them - fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14), created in His image (Genesis 1:27), and deeply loved by their Heavenly Father (John 3:16). Pray that they will find their worth, security, and purpose in their relationship with Christ, rather than in the ever-changing opinions of the world.

Praying Against Deception and Confusion

In Ephesians 6:12, we are reminded that our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against spiritual forces of evil. Pray that your child will be protected from the deception and confusion that the enemy seeks to sow in their hearts and minds. Ask God to give them discernment, wisdom, and courage to stand firm in their faith and resist the temptation to conform to the world's standards (Romans 12:2).

Seeking God's Guidance and Wisdom

Navigating the complexities of sexuality and gender identity can be challenging, both for parents and children. Pray for God's guidance and wisdom as you address these sensitive topics with your child. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you the words to speak, the compassion to listen, and the grace to love your child unconditionally. Trust in God's faithfulness to lead and guide you as you point your child towards the truth of His Word.

Making Prayer a Part of Your Parenting Journey

Incorporating preventative, future-focused prayers that align with God's promises is crucial for your child's spiritual growth. Focus on praying for your child's destiny and purpose, knowing that God has great plans for their life.

As my husband and I raise our son, I make it a point to incorporate these strategies into my routine as a mother. Throughout my life, I have seen children's destinies be demonically delayed, destroyed, or aborted. I vowed "Not on my watch" when I had kids. This is one of the main purposes for Mommy Pray!

Scriptures Every Christian Mom Should Know

- "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." - Philippians 4:13

- "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it." - Proverbs 22:6

- "But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you." - Matthew 6:33

Tips on Teaching Kids the Importance of Prayer

- Lead by example and pray with your children daily

- Encourage them to pray for others and express gratitude

- Help them understand that prayer is a conversation with God

How Praying Together as a Family Strengthens Bonds

When you pray together as a family, you create a strong spiritual foundation and foster a sense of unity. Encourage open communication and vulnerability during prayer time, and watch as your family grows closer to each other and to God.

Incorporating Faith Lessons into Everyday Activities

Look for opportunities to teach your children about faith in everyday moments. Whether it's admiring God's creation during a nature walk or discussing biblical principles during a car ride, make faith an integral part of your family's daily life.

So Moms, start today! Make future focused prayer an essential part of your parenting journey. As a Christian mother, prayer is a powerful tool in nurturing your child's faith. By praying for the unseen, protecting your child through prayer, praying against confusion, you can shape your child's life in unimaginable ways. If you need guidance on how to begin or what to pray for, sign up for our Mommy Pray email list for helpful tips and scripture-based prayer points that can guide you as you nurture your child's faith.

Zakiya Moton